Best WordPress Plugins For Your Blog

Best WordPress Plugins

There are tons of WordPress plugins out there that you can use. Here today I’m going tell you what are the best WordPress plugins for any blogger out there that has a blog. These Plugins I’m going to tell you about are absolute must haves!!! Despite all the other good plugins out there. These plugins you will definitely need when starting your blog.

Google XML Sitemaps

This is one of the best WordPress plugins you will need to create a good sitemap. It generates a special sitemap for you which will help search engines like Google, Yahoo, Bing and to better index your blog. Google loves sitemaps and if you want your traffic to start coming as quickly as possible. You want to make sure every page of you blog gets index very quickly so it can start getting ranked by the search engines. Click the link to get this plugin.

All in One SEO Pack

This is another must have for anyone rather you know about seo or not. First off! Search engine optimization is when you optimize your web page around a specific keyword that people are searching for in the search engines. What this plugin does is help you optimize a brief summary of your page around a keyword that Google uses to rank your page in the search results. This will help you bring faster and more visitors to your blog once ranked. Click the link to get this plugin.

Login LockDown

This plugin adds some extra security to your WordPress blog by restricting the rate at which failed logins can be re-attempted from a given IP range.  It will help protect you from people trying to figure out you password so they can hack into your blog. After a couple of failed logins. This will lock up your login page for a certain amount of time so they can’t access it. Click the link to get this plugin.

Easy Privacy Policy

I highly recommend this WordPress plugin to anyone with a blog that wants to advertise ads like Google Adsense or link to third party websites.  This will automatically add a privacy policy page that includes an Adsense compliancy section, plus other sections that will give statements in writing to help inform every visitor about the policy of your blog. Google also requires anybody that’s advertising Google ads on their blog to have one.


This plugin usually comes with every WordPress Blog….but if not I encourage you to get it. This will check all your comments on your blog for spam. It will give you good protection from people trying to spam their comments all on your pages. Click here to get this plugin.

Best WordPress Plugins For Business

Those are the top five best plugins that are must haves for anybody with a WordPress blog. Although there are tons of other great plugins out there that people can use. These to me are the most important ones.

Go out there and try some other ones if you like. Make sure you do research on the plugin before you get it. Because some are not good and could be a hacker trying get your information. Click here to get the best WordPress Plugins.

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