If You Have A Strong Position In Anything, You Will Get Attacked

I Love Haters

People can be very negative towards others. Especially the ones that have goods things going for their selves. When it comes to being a successful person and having a strong position in something. Others are going to try to attack you.


They’ll try to bring you down or stop you from succeeding simple because they don’t want to see you win in life. They’ll talk about you, spread rumors, tell lies, or say negative things to try to hurt you. Some people will even go as far as trying to hurt you physically.


Always Stay Ready For The Negativity

Be prepared for this type of behavior especially when you start to see some success in your life. Don’t let these kind of haters take you out of your confront zone by sending negativity your way. Keep on doing what your doing and try to stay distance from those jealous people that want to see you fail.


Believe me they’ll try everything to stop your shine, but as long as you keep on shining they won’t be able to stop you. You see we all have dealt with this stop of behavior at some point of are lives. We have either been criticize for the things we do or the way we choose to live are lives by people who simple hate on us for being in a position they’re not in.


These type of people need to kick rocks and find something else to do besides being all up in other people’s business. They need to focus more on their situation instead of worry about yours. These are the type of things that come with being a successful person in life.


The Best Revenge Is Success…

You may see a lot of people turn their cheeks at you once you start doing well for yourself. This includes friends, enemies, and even family sometimes. You need to embrace it, but don’t let it stop you from doing what you do. Always continue to move forward striving for better no matter what type of negativity is thrown at you.


The best revenge in the world will always be success. Being on top of your game, holding a strong position in your life will set you free in the long run from all the bullcrap. So when you see people attacking you or being negative towards you. Just tell ’em to keep on watching you shine because, they ain’t stopping ish… šŸ˜‰


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Kill Them With Success And Bury Them With A Smile

Haters Gonna Hate

When you try to achieve things in your life. Or do something that’s going to benefit you. You will always have a group of individuals trying to put you down. They’ll be wishing for you’re failure in some cases.


I called these people HATERS! Yes HATERS will tell you, you can’t do this or you won’t make it in that. You need to watch out for these type of people and pay them no attention. Just keep doing you. Striving harder to achieve your goals in life.


F*** Those Haters

Don’t let these type of people upset you or get you frustrated. To overcome them you have to continue to focus on yourself. Going after the goals you want to accomplish in your life. Don’t let them stop you from doing that. Because that’s exactly what they want to do.


You see the best revenge to all your haters is SUCCESS! That’s why I say you need to kill them with success and then bury they asses with a SMILE!! Show them kindness but not weakness. Doing this will definitely help you overcome all obstacles.


You will always have some individuals all in your business, worrying about what your doing. Talking behind your back, because most of the time they want to be in your position. They want what you have and because that don’t know how to get it their selves they want to stop you from having it.


Stay away from those type of people. I don’t care if it’s your so called family members or some back stabbing friends. You need to distance your self from those individuals. So you can focus on you and not what others think of you.


Keeping A Positive Mind

When it comes to success it starts with a mental aspect of things. You need to push all the negativity away from you to keep positive thoughts in your mind.


This is very important and can be very critical to your success in life. Having a positive mind about things your doing or trying to do. Will help you continue to stay focus without becoming frustrated or breaking down.


Stick with it, never give up. Work harder, smarter, striving to achieve your goals. Then you will see the results you want in your life. Remember what I said “Kill them with success and bury them with a SMILE”!


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