It’s Either Rise And Grind Or Sleep And Don’t Eat

Sleep is for the weak

Some people just don’t get it. They don’t understand that it takes work to get the things you want in life. You have to earn your bread to eat at night.


Sleeping all day or watching television all day while sitting on your ass, isn’t going to help you achieve your goals at all. There’s a fine line between the people that become successful in life and the people that never doing anything with their selves.


Staying On Your Grind All The Time

It’s called putting in work, grinding, taking action to get results. Sitting there remembering every episode of your favorite show or getting all the sleep you can get, just isn’t going to get you on the right path of success like you want in your life.


In fact most people that have become very successful, usually don’t watch TV at all. Not because they don’t like to, but because they’re working so hard to achieve the things they want in life. They just don’t have the time to watch TV and sleep all day.


If you find yourself remembering every single episode that comes on TV, sleeping all day, or keeping up with all the sports, speaking about every little detail that happens with all the professional athletes. Nine times out of ten you’re not being very productive in your life.


“Either you gone rise and grind or sleep and don’t eat”, because if you want to be a successful person in life. Achieving the goals you want to achieve. There is only one simple formula I have for you. That’s GET UP OFF YOUR ASS AND TAKE ACTION!!


Just Straight Grinding…

Work hard! Nothing is ever going to just come to you. You gotta put in the work to get it. The only thing that’s ever came to a sleeper is a dream. Dreams are not going to come true to a person that’s not willing to grind for what they want.


If you want something to happen, you have to get your grind on. You have to strive for it in order to get it. Then you will start to see things happen. Then you will start to see the results you want in your life. Then you will become successful in whatever it is you want to do.


Be that person that doesn’t have time to sleep all day. Be that person that doesn’t have time to sit and watch TV all day. WHY?? Because you’re to damn busy working to be SUCCESSFUL!! šŸ˜‰

If you’re looking to become financially successful and earn the income you always desired… Then CLICK THE BUTTON BELOW MY FRIEND!!!


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How To Convert Your Leads Into Sales Using Your Autoresponder

Email Tips

Having your own capture page to collect leads is very important in your online business. Building a list of potential customers is what you need to be doing in order to sale your offers, but making sure you convert that list is just as important.


You can have a huge list of 20,000 leads in your autoresponder, but if no one buys anything, your list is as good as DEAD! Converting those leads into sales is the process that every Internet Marketer needs to know how to do.


Today I’m going to talk about taking your leads in your autoresponder and then converting them into hot money that goes straight into your pockets.


Emailing Your Leads Everyday

First and foremost, you need to be sending emails to your list everyday. You need to be entertaining them, keeping them informed, and educating them. Make sure you give your list of leads as much value as you can by doing these methods I’m telling you.


You want to build trust with them by creating a good relationship with your potential customers. Once they begin to trust you they will start to buy from you. You can do this by emailing your list videos that show them how to do something for free, sending them information they are looking for, educating them on your company or business offer so they know more about it, and constantly giving them value in your emails everyday to build up trust.


You need to know what type of list of people you have in order to give them exactly what they want. What type of information are they looking for? What type of person are they? What do they want? These are all questions you need to ask yourself when sending out your emails.


People Don’t Like To Be Sold, But They Love To Buy…

Don’t keep sending out emails trying to just sale and pitch people. People don’t like to be sold, but they do like to buy. You need to learn how to give them value without trying to pitch them to buy. If you do this right by giving them value when sending emails, they’ll start buying from you because you’ve built trust with them.


One tip I have for you if you’re a beginner at email marketing is to go subscribe to someone else’s email list. Then watch what type of emails they send you everyday so you can learn from it and implement some of their strategies.


Also if you have a blog. I would encourage you to write some post everyday that you can email to your list as a follow up. Doing this will increase your conversions and help put more money in your pockets. Content is very powerful when done correctly.


Understand that when it comes to selling stuff on the Internet, there is a process. This process is what you need to follow in order to start creating sales from your potential customers. Most people don’t buy right away. They need to be expose to more than one exposure before they finally decide to BUY!


If you want to learn more about email marketing or other information about making money online. I have a team that can train you and teach you the same things I’ve learned. JUST CLICK THE BUTTON BELOW!



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Excuses Will Keep You Broke For The Rest Of Your Life!

Stop Making Excuses

People often wonder why things don’t happen the way they want it or why they don’t get the type of success they feel they deserve. When people don’t get what they want or find the results they’re looking for. They tend to become upset with the way things are going.


Some people just kill me with the things they say like, ” I can’t do this, or this is to complicated”. Some people expect some type of magical secret to help them and hold their hand. Instead of going out, putting in the necessary work to get things done. They rather dish out excuses over and over, then wonder why they’re not getting the results they want.


Then complain about how broke they are over and over again. To me this is BORING TO HEAR!!!! Anyone that wants to have success in their life or wants to gain financial wealth. Needs to do two things. They need to stop making excuses and TAKE MASSIVE ACTION!!!


Starving At The Bottom With All Your Excuses

Excuses will keep you broke looking for scraps inside a trash can. This simple concept separates the people that get the results they want from the people who don’t get anything. Believe me when I say whatever you want to happen in your life isn’t always going to be easy to get.


You have to really go after it by working hard for it. Sitting on your butt, complaining all day about what you can or cannot do isn’t going to help you. Don’t keep making excuses for yourself, because those same excuses are leaving you with a broke lifestyle.


Making It Happen By Taking The Action

If you want to see the results you’re looking for or gain financial success. Go out there and make it happen my friend. Dedicate yourself by making a huge commitment to do whatever it takes to get things DONE! Don’t look for some magical secret by some guru or wait for somebody to hold you’re hand ever step of the way.


Go get your feet dirty asap. This is the only way to get the things you want in your life, simple by taking action. No one else is going to help you do this. There’s an old saying, ” a person can lead you to the water, but you have to be the one that drinks it”.


So remember what I said, constantly making excuses will only keep you broke for the rest of your life. If you want this money, drop whatever excuse you have, get off your ass, and GET IT THAT CASH!!!!


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Tips On How Often You Should Blog To Increase Traffic


A lot bloggers out there want to know how to increase their traffic by blogging. They want to know how much they should blog to start receiving a steady flow of visitors to their blog daily.


Should it be once a month, twice a month, once a week, or everyday? I say you should be blogging every single day. If you’re serious about getting people to your blog, blogging daily is very important.


The Reasons Why You Should Blog Daily

Any independent blogger should understand that the search engines like Google, love fresh quality content. In order to start receiving good traffic from the search engines, you definitely want to give them what they want.


Blogging daily will definitely keep you on Google’s good side. It will also keep Google indexing all your website’s pages over and over. Resulting in getting those pages ranked faster in the search engines.


Once your pages start getting rank, they’ll start to see a steady flow of visitors coming in everyday. When people search for the type of stuff you’re writing about on your blog. Google will be putting your content right in front of their faces for them to see it.


That’s why you want to keep the search engines coming back for more everyday. keep stuffing them with quality content, so they never get enough of it. If you don’t do this your traffic will never really grow from the search results unless you do some type of seo (search engine optimization), but that’s another story.


People Don’t Like A Stale Blog…

In fact, depending on how much you update your site. If it’s not updated enough, people in general won’t be coming back to a website that hasn’t had any new information added to it. You also want people to come back to your website on their own by giving them new fresh information to look at.


People want to be informed, entertained, and educated. They don’t want to come back to a stale blog. That hasn’t been updated in months. Give your visitors a reason to keep coming back for more. This will also double your traffic, because you won’t just be getting new visitors to your blog.


You’ll be getting returning visitors to your blog daily. So remember if you really want to get visitors to your blog and increase your traffic with the search engines. You don’t want to blog twice a month or once a week. You want to have a routine that your committed to. In order to blog every single day.


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Real Hustlers Stay Hungry Even While They Are Getting Fed

Stay hungry

If your looking to make things happen in your life. You gotta stay hungry no matter what. You need to keep yourself motivated throughout the process, so you stay working towards the things you want.


Rather it’s money, a certain lifestyle, career, a business….etc. You need to stay working hard to make it happen even when you are becoming satisfied with the way things are going.


You can’t slack. Things happen for those who work hard for it. People that stay on their grind are the people who shine the most. People that slack and start to take it easy. Are the ones who usually fall behind in life. Then wonder why things aren’t going their way.


Stay Focused On The Prize And Working Harder To Achieve More

You want to be that person who stays on top of their game by being consistent. I don’t care what it is you want in your life. You need to continue to work hard for the things you want and not slack off for one second. Otherwise you will get left by others who are more consistent then you.


When you start to see some success. Take the time to enjoy it, but don’t stop working harder to achieve greater things. So you can go to greater heights. Taking yourself pass all the obstacles by getting ahead of others.


I personally like to make this a habit with what ever I do in life. I like to work hard to achieve a certain goal. Then work harder to surpass that goal moving to the next goal. I make sure I don’t get tired or become satisfied by motivating myself to go further.


Chill Don’t Pay The bills…

This is the same when building a business. Implement this strategy in your business and your business will become very successful. You will accomplish more by doing this, then taking it easy because everything is going swell for the moment.


Taking it easy will result in you losing your motivation to move forward. You want to keep yourself motivated, you want to keep yourself determined, and you want to keep a steady flow of consistency throughout your business.


So it never becomes a dual moment while you work to maintain things. Do this by always looking for the next goal to accomplish after you have succeeded with the first one. Always look for the next step to take in your business and the next level to go in order to get to greater heights.


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The Best Solo Ad Strategies You Can Use

Internet Marketing Strategies

When it comes to doing any type of payed advertising. I highly recommend doing Solo Ads, because it’s one of the fastest ways to get traffic to your business on auto-pilot. For those that don’t know what Solo Ads are, I’m going to quickly explain this as well as giving you some unique strategies you can do.


What Are Solo Ads?

Solo ads are when you write a simple email ad copy with links that go back to a lead capture page, and you pay someone to mail it out to their email list of subscribers. Once people opt-in to your capture page. It will then redirect them to your offer or business. Giving you the person’s email address and any other information so you can follow up with the individual.


You will be paying for clicks not leads, so your ad copy needs to be intriguing enough so that you get more people opting into your lead capture page. For any beginners, I recommend trying Safe Swaps so you get a good idea of how this is done. Always start off small before scaling up and paying more to get more clicks.


Finding Advertisers To Do Solo Ads With

Once you get some real experience. One of the best ways to do Solo Ad advertising is to go to actual website owners within your niche. For example, If you’re selling a product about cooking recipes. Simple do a quick Google search on the Keyword term.


Then look at the top sites on the first page of Google. Go to each site one by one and analyze the amount of traffic the site gets. You can this by typing the website address in Alexa rank to find out how much traffic it gets.


Check to see if the owners of the websites your on, are collecting email addresses. This means they have an email list of subscribers. Then look for a way to contact that person or look for some type of advertising link to get details of what the website owner allows for advertising. This link is usually located at the bottom of the site.


If the website is getting a lot of traffic and is collecting email addresses. This means the owner has a big list that they might let you rent. Simple contact that owner to find out if they have a list they’ll let you pay to advertise to. Once you find a website owner that’s willing to do this. You’ll be able to work out a deal with them and pay them to mail out your email ad copy to their list of subscribers.


Make sure when doing business with them you ask these type of questions.

1. How big is your email list?

2. Is your list of subscribers related to the Offer I have?

3. Are these buyer leads and have they bought anything in this type of niche before?

4. If I buy at a big price can we work out some type of discount?


You don’t have to ask the questions exactly the way I wrote it. You can say it in your own way, as long as you ask those type of questions when doing business. I just wanted to give you a good idea of what to be asking and looking for. Hope this information is helpful to you.


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There Is No Such Thing As Perfection In Production

Take Action

We it comes to getting something you want done or doing something you want to do in your life. To start getting results you need to take massive action asap! A lot of people when working on a project or starting a new business want to learn everything perfectly, before they start doing the activities they need to do.


I’m here to tell you that waiting to become perfect before you start actively producing to get results. Will not help you with what you want to do. There is no such thing as perfection in production.


What I mean by this, is you can’t wait to try and learn everything so perfectly when first starting out that you don’t take action right away. Doing that will only slow you down in life period. It’s better to go out there and get you’re feet wet by taking action. Then as you make mistakes a long the way, you’ll learn from them in the long run.


Creating Perfection from Mistakes Down The Road

Making mistakes as you go a long will help you perfect you’re craft by mastering them from previous let downs or past difficulties that you’ve had to fix in order to make things work. When starting a new business or project. Don’t be so caught up on learning everything perfectly that you don’t start doing the necessary things in order to get the results you want.


While you’re currently learning the things you need to do, also make sure you’re doing the producing activities to get the results you’re looking for in your new business or project. Doing this is a faster way to success then sitting on your butt, waiting to learn everything before actually taking action.


I mean seriously, how are you ever going to get the results you want if you’re just sitting there doing nothing, but learning all day. You need to go out there and get started with producing activities. So that you can quickly get things going.


The things I’ve Seen Unsuccessful People Do In The Past…

I’ve seen people in the past literally try to learn everything possible, then plan everything they needed to do step by step. Trying to make sure they had everything down perfectly before they actually did anything.


Then by the time they finally decide to start doing producing activities. They shut down and get cold feet in the process. Then end up quitting or giving up because they still don’t feel like they’re doing everything right enough to succeed with their project.


Don’t be like that. Go out there and start taking action to get things in motion, so you increase your self motivation. This will help inspire you to keep moving forward, but most importantly get you on the path to success much faster!!


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Kill Them With Success And Bury Them With A Smile

Haters Gonna Hate

When you try to achieve things in your life. Or do something that’s going to benefit you. You will always have a group of individuals trying to put you down. They’ll be wishing for you’re failure in some cases.


I called these people HATERS! Yes HATERS will tell you, you can’t do this or you won’t make it in that. You need to watch out for these type of people and pay them no attention. Just keep doing you. Striving harder to achieve your goals in life.


F*** Those Haters

Don’t let these type of people upset you or get you frustrated. To overcome them you have to continue to focus on yourself. Going after the goals you want to accomplish in your life. Don’t let them stop you from doing that. Because that’s exactly what they want to do.


You see the best revenge to all your haters is SUCCESS! That’s why I say you need to kill them with success and then bury they asses with a SMILE!! Show them kindness but not weakness. Doing this will definitely help you overcome all obstacles.


You will always have some individuals all in your business, worrying about what your doing. Talking behind your back, because most of the time they want to be in your position. They want what you have and because that don’t know how to get it their selves they want to stop you from having it.


Stay away from those type of people. I don’t care if it’s your so called family members or some back stabbing friends. You need to distance your self from those individuals. So you can focus on you and not what others think of you.


Keeping A Positive Mind

When it comes to success it starts with a mental aspect of things. You need to push all the negativity away from you to keep positive thoughts in your mind.


This is very important and can be very critical to your success in life. Having a positive mind about things your doing or trying to do. Will help you continue to stay focus without becoming frustrated or breaking down.


Stick with it, never give up. Work harder, smarter, striving to achieve your goals. Then you will see the results you want in your life. Remember what I said “Kill them with success and bury them with a SMILE”!


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Email Marketing Tips For Your Growing Business

Email Marketing

When it comes to making money on the Internet. You need to build a list. Building a email list of potential customers is the true cornerstone of any successful online business.


When I first started trying to sell stuff from the Internet. I made a huge mistake in not doing this. Wondering why I wasn’t earning as much as others where online.


You see when selling stuff online people usually don’t buy right away. They need to see your offer more then once in order to finally make a decision to buy something.


That’s why capturing a person’s email address is a very good way to follow up with that person, giving them all the information they need first before they make a big decision. This way you’re not forcing a person to buy something they don’t want.


Building A Trust Worthy Relationship With Email Marketing

What you want to do is build a relationship with them by giving that person enough information that makes them feel good about what you have to offer. For example, asking a person to buy something from you right off the bat is kind of like going into a party and asking someone to marry you.


They don’t know anything about you so they’re probably going to say no, and even if they did you probably wouldn’t have a very successful marriage.


You’d have much better success if you just got that person’s name and phone number taking it one step at a time. It’s the same with building an online business.


The capture page makes the introduction by getting them interested. Collects the email address, then lets you follow up with them using a series of emails, allowing you to start the relationship in the right direction.


The Things That Didn’t Tell You About Internet Marketing…

You see most people that want to work from home don’t know about this technique. Just like I didn’t know. I use to buy all kinds of work at home products to learn how to professionally do Internet marketing.


Those products would teach me a lot of stuff I’ve learned today, but never would show me the realistic way of building an online business from home.


This is the difference between failure and success with an online business. Not just some work at home activity. You will need your own email autoresponder to do these methods I’m telling you. I recommend Aweber or Getresponse. You can Google them to get all the information you need.


šŸ™‚ Now of course I’m giving the game away because as you can see, this is what I do on my website. Ā I capture people’s emails just like I’m telling you, but this post is only for people that are really looking to build an online business from home.


I’m talking to all my entrepreneurs out there looking for some type of successful business. You see I don’t mind telling people the truth and giving them valuable information that’s going to help them or inspire them.


If this person is you and you’re looking to become a successful Internet marker by learning the real techniques, strategies, plus getting all the tools you need in order to succeed in the online world. Then I have a team of people that will show you the same things I’ve learn. Just click the button BELOW!!



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Consistency Is A key Element To Your Success

Consistency Is key To Success

In everyday life we need to set goals for are selves in order to achieve greater things. When it comes to being able to successfully accomplish something. We need to be very consistent in order to make it happen.


That’s right consistency is key to success in everything you do, rather it’s in your relationships, family, finances, fitness or life in general. You need to work on CONSISTENCY!


Being consistent will help change your life and give you the results you want. This needs to develop into a daily habit. In order to take this into action you need a plan.


Building A Plan To Stay Consistent With Your Goal…

When doing something always plan a step by step action for your set goals. Get into a habit or routine to follow your step by step plan daily.


Once you start to develop those good habits it will get easier for you to stay consistent with what ever you’re trying to accomplish.


Being consistent in life isn’t always an easy task. That’s why every individual that wants success needs to work on it in order to execute this.


For example, if you want to be a great gymnasts. Then you need to constantly trained yourself to perfection. Everyday training will make you better at what you do, but most importantly bring you the results you’re looking for.


If you don’t continually practice and train daily. You will soon loose focus in your goal. This will result in not being able to execute as well as others.


The person that’s staying consistent with working hard, training them selves to perfection. Will always be able to out perform you nine times out of ten.


Staying Consistent In Business….

It’s the exact same thing in business. The only way to make it work is staying consistent with your daily work habits. This will ultimately give you the successful business you want, but more importantly increase you’re finances.

So always plan ahead, get into a routine, and TAKE MASSIVE ACTION!! TO GET MASSIVE RESULTS!!


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